
It’s Hall About Us is our family blog, where we want to talk about life, really. Our life is our children, our marriage, and everything else from finances, socioeconomic status, health, etc.

We are Jason and Chamia Hall (get the itsHALLaboutus now?). We are a young, unapologetically black couple! We have been married for since 2013, but have known each other since 2008! We have three energetic, handsome sons, born 2013, 2016, and 2018. We’re having so much fun living our best life and navigating through marriage, parenthood, and life. So much so, we wanted to share some experiences and life lessons. We wanted to do a blog together to give two different perspectives, from both a man and woman. We want to share ideas with those who are like minded and who are not, because that’s really the best way to learn new shit!

I’m not sure if there is a certain way to do a blog, but most likely we’re not going to be your average family blogger. We believe life is too short to change who you are for other people’s approval. The fact of the matter is there are over 300 million people in the United States alone and we do not seek approval from everyone. So, I would just say approach us with an open mind. But really, whether your married, a parent, or single; adults are going through the same thing. So read or don’t read, comment or don’t comment. Do what makes you happy!

If you explore the rest of the site, you’ll see we have a lifestyle brand called Love Live Life. And all that means is to Love and Live your Life to the fullest. You’ll notice that is a big theme with us. All of us in our relatively short lives has seen way too much death and should realize that life is precious and must be valued to its full extent. So please, Always Love Live Life.

With all that being said, WELCOME! to It’s Hall About Us.

Also, follow us on Instagram to see photos of our children and us attempting to Love Live Life!